This guide was created by Spectear and last edited by him on 4/4/14. The updated version is hosted on the Abandoned Jerks Forum Community, which is an invite-only forum. I have been given permission to rehost it as long as I include this disclaimer. I am terrible at HTML so that's why it's so ugly. I have included some stuff to allow internal linking but have not setup the links myself. If anyone wants to make this actually look pretty and have internal links, just send me the updated version.



Warning. I tend to ramble and go on tangents. I also have a pretty poor grasp of the English language, rivaled only by Shadowed's use of "worst" and "worse". At some point I may edit this to be more readable when smarter people edit it for me. Consider this a first draft because I need to dump a massive amount of information before I can worry about editing it.

I'm typically considered a pretty mean and critical person. It's nothing personal I just tend to have the nuclear option turned on and I rarely disarm it unless Silm asks me to. Some of this will probably come off offensive to sensitive folks so I want to make it clear that my tone is simply the way that I think and evaluate situations and is nothing personal.

If you find my playstyle or views on the game to be incompatible with the way you want to play, please ignore this thread. I tend to be a power gamer in the eyes of most fellow gamers and my advice is geared towards enabling that sort of play. I actually find nothing wrong with playing a game casually or for the sake of fun. In fact I do the same thing it's just that my fun is different from others. I do not hold anything against my F&F who wish to play Singer Barbs in D2 or my uncle who only wanted to herb in WoW and never venture into so much as a heroic on his own. If doing LFR makes them happy I think that's great. Similarly if your goal is to use Firewalkers to kill everything in normal with a build that only focuses on bursts of speed more power to you.

This is not a guide for LFR though. While I think it's hilarious to do T2 and run around killing rifts by myself it's also incredibly boring for me. I would much rather be challenged and doing actual content instead of facerolling.

This is going to be skewed towards Wizards because that is what I am currently maining. I also tend to play a DH which means in general my PoV is going to be ranged biased. If you have commentary from either perspective you are free to give your input, but be sure to include what difficulty you play on because what is viable on T1 is not necessarily viable on T6.

I am only human and some of this information is based on my own anecdata. Be prepared for some of it to be wrong. I do apologize for this and will make corrections as quickly as I can.


What are blood shards used for?

Currently blood shards are only used for gambling. At one point you could also purchase caches for 100 of them, but that was back in beta when each bounty awarded you with a cache and you got a greater cache for doing all five in one act.

What should I gamble for?

Generally you should gamble for your weakest slot. If you want to min/max more than that I would suggest gambling for jewelry in general even though it's more expensive. Specifically I think everyone should gamble until they get a SoJ as it's BiS. More on that later.

What is cache sharing?

Cache sharing is a practice as old as time. Really what it boils down to is sharing quest completion. Since D3 has been released you could "abuse" quest sharing. Most games have some form of this.

Simply put before you complete a quest you invite other players to join your game until it's full. In the current state of the game this involves completing five bounties in a single act, but not talking to Tyrael until other players have joined your game. Once you have everyone you want to have inside your game you can have anyone to talk to Tyrael and they will all receive a cache along with gold/XP.

Note that this will never be nerfed without Blizzard changing their fundamental quest system. Even if the cache was instantly awarded upon completion of the fifth bounty for everyone in the game at that time you would simply invite people ahead of time.

The less obvious acronyms I tend to use are just my own shorthand. For example I tend to share my bounties as well as caches if I feel I can do so in a reasonably efficient manner. It's the same as sharing KW's in vanilla D3. I would make an MP10 game and drop the KW to 5% HP and invite my friends to come in for a key.

So for example if I were to type into guild/clan chat "bounty prepped t4 a1 3/5" what I am really saying is I have a Torment 4 game in Act 1 with three out of five bounties near completion. Most likely I have already killed the boss on my own because there is no easy way to share the boss bounty (it would require everyone to be able to output similar DPS to my own in order to drop the boss in a timely manner). The other bounty type that I tend to complete on my own are the "clear all of the mobs on level 2 of X area" ones. If I remember to do that last (assuming I reset the game properly to only include one since those bounties really suck) I will share it. Otherwise I just complete it because running back down to level 2 takes up too much time.

More on this in the bounty section.

I will continue to add to this later. If you have any questions about any terms please ask in this thread.


Gearing/Speccing/Basically everything

I'll have to dig up lists/links later, but for now I'm just going to dump my information as quickly as I can. If you do a bit of your own searching you can probably find guides that are already up and better organized. I'm simply dumping what I know and can think of off the top of my head.

My gearing perspective is based on my playstyle. If you want to play as a non glass melee or a tank of sorts I think you should come up with your own thing. That said unless you are playing much more effectively than I see most "tanks" play I think it's better just to play as a DPS or a 50/50 with a lot of support.

I favor effective damage balanced primarily against two scenarios. Fighting a large pack of mixed mobs (elites/champions/whites together) and single target bosses. As a Wizard I favor the former and as a DH the latter. You have to play to your strengths.

There are affixes that are unique to certain slots. Smart players need to maximize that value. Note that this obviously does not account for legendaries with unique affixes. It should be very obvious why I cannot list every single legendary in this case.

Diablo 3 Affix Planner

Here is a priority list of affixes. You can tailor this to your own needs, but if you just need a quick and dirty "what's better" guide here it is.

I cannot stress how "rough" the above list is, but it's the best I can do based on very general gearing. Now let's get into some specifics.

It's obvious to anyone with the IQ of a raisin that Blizzard's intention is to pigeonhole players into certain elements. There are some obvious exceptions to this like Wizards with 4P Tal's who are specced to maximize EE, but in general you are going to gear out as a Cold Wizard or a Fire DH or a Lightning Monk etc etc. Luckily for Wizards all of our elemental specs are viable. I would not make the same statement for all classes and certainly even among Wizards (why hello there Frozen Orb) there are some skills that are simply better than others.

Elemental Skill:

This is as good as it gets. All of your damage is multiplied by X% as long as you rune for the element in question. This is the single biggest upgrade you can get on an item. It stacks additively with itself and multiplies all of your damage of that type. If you have a legendary that fits your element type e.g. Magefists/Cindercoat for Fire, it is almost certainly BiS for you and you should thank RNGJesus the day it drops. It's also not a bad idea to gamble for that specific slot once you have a respectable set of rares.

Note that this damage is not calculated in your paperdoll dps (which is why most people have heard/seen me say sheetdps is nearly useless and mainly for e-peening). Even if you took your 1m sheet dps and multiplied it by 50% ES having 1.5m effective sheetdps doesn't even begin to tell the story of how effective you actually are.

ES is spawned natively on Ammy/Bracers up to 15%. Legendaries go up to 20%.

Primary/Spender Skill

There are already better lists on Bnet/Reddit that have all of the relevant skills listed. Generally these skills are your big nukes. Cluster Arrow/Strafe etc for DH, Arcane Orb/Meteor etc for Wizard, and Ancient Spear for Barb.

This affix is almost as good as the previous affix, but it has two major drawbacks. The obvious one is that it only applies to one skill. While that one skill is probably anywhere between 50%-90% of your overall DPS it's not as good as the ES affix which could apply to 100% of your overall DPS. The less obvious drawback is that this affix is typed with other damage boosting skills. For example as a Wizard my 15% Arcane Orb damage items are in the same category as my "Magic Weapon" and "Familiar - Sparkflint" bonuses. I will link the relevant reddit post later when I get home.

Spender Skill spawns natively on Helm/Boots/OH up to 15%.

Prime Stat

This should be obvious, but you need your prime stat. It's one of the main sources of your sheet dps (the others are your weapon/ias and your cc/chd). Reminder that your prime stat also adds to your defense. Armor for Str classes and AR for Int classes. Dex classes get something useless like YoloGokuDodge (note it's not that bad just inconsistent).

It's pretty easy to calculate how much X prime stat will give you. Each point of prime stat is 1% more damage in it's own category. Do not make the mistake that I see many players make where you somehow attribute each point of prime stat to a 1% increase in overall dps. The pool that this goes into is multiplied against other categories (a few listed above) which get filtered through the skill you use and your elemental damage. In addition to that you likely have somewhere between 5000-8000 prime stat so a single point only increases this category by about 0.02%. You would need to have around 100 prime stat for it to be a 1% increase and even then it would be in this category and not an overall 1% increase.

Prime stat spawns natively on every single item slot. You generally want it on every single item slot. Wasn't that easy? Rares go up to 415 while Legendaries go up to 500. Other slots such as Gloves/MH have higher caps.


This is the flat mitigation that the game provides. There are other things that technically also fit in here to some extent for example the secondary affixes that I intentionally left out like single resistance and X% reduction vs Melee/Ranged. Wizard's Blur and Melee's free 30% damage reduction are calculated in a separate category, but all of these things go into the giant pool of mitigation.

Simply put this is your best defensive stat and you want as much as you feel you can get away with. Ultimately this is a playstyle choice, but there are some smarter choices you can make.

In almost every situation AR is better than Armor. They both do the exact same thing except that each point of AR is equal to ten points of Armor. On most items you will tend to see something like 80-90 AR per affix while Armor gets a paltry ~350 for it's affix. That means even at a 2:1 ratio (having twice as much effective AR:Armor) most items will still be better with AR. There are some exceptions to this with slots that can spawn ~550 armor per affix, but even then you still need to have almost a 2:1 ratio of AR:Armor. This is a general rule and can vary per character per skillset. I am writing this as a Wizard that uses Prismatic Armor which gives 35% Armor and 25% AR. Your values will be different.

Armor/AR can spawn natively on most armor slots. Some slots can spawn more than others. For example Chest/Legs can spawn ~200 more Armor than other slots.

Critical Chance/Critical Hit Damage

I'm throwing these two together even though they should probably be split. These two go hand in hand with boosting your overall DPS from the pitiful level to the amazing level. CC also synergizes with a lot of your skills/passives so most classes want to get to at least 50% or more in order to have a healthy amount of resource regeneration or other synergies. Beyond that you want to take whichever stat increases your DPS the most, obviously favoring CC if all things are equal.

CC spawns natively on Helm/Rings/Gloves/Bracers up to 6% and on Ammy/OH up to 10%.

CHD spawns natively on Rings/Gloves up to 50% and Ammy up to 100%.

Life Per Second / Life on Hit / Life after Kill

I consider this the best healing stat in the game and you definitely need healing no matter how good you are. Some damage is unavoidable (Jailer, first tricks of things like Tstorm etc) and everyone will take some kind of collateral damage. LPS works all of the time even when you are Frozen or running away in full panic mode with all of your skills and potion on cooldown. I value LoH significantly less just based on the above reasoning without getting into specific skill coefficients per class and why I hate LoH as a stat. Life after kill is fine just because it's a secondary affix. If you have to choose between the two I would recommend taking LPS over LoH, but do whatever works for you. I recommend trying to get at least 10k healing before any buffs. If you are playing solo Bromac can help out with this a bit.

Area Damage/Cost Reduction/Cooldown Reduction

This is taking a lot longer than I anticipated so I am just going to group these together even though I will have to separate them out later.

Area damage is additive. It procs 20% of the time on every source of damage, but it will not proc off itself. For example if I orb into a tight pack of 10 mobs I will have ~20 chances to proc area damage depending on how tight the pack is and how good my aim is. This is because frozen orb ticks once for the orb and once for the shards. Each proc will then deal whatever % of Area damage I have to the 9 other mobs, but not the primary mob that procced the Area damage in the first place. Any damage you do can proc Area damage including crits. The stat is incredibly powerful and the only reason it's not higher on my list is because you can get 50% from Paragon and that's enough to wipe out most packs.

CR and CDR are both multiplicative. If you hit an Empowered Shrine the effects are additive, but with rare exception I wouldn't count on having one up all the time (more on this later). I find CR pretty useful in conjunction with ApoC to keep orb spamming, but you cannot afford to get it on most of your slots and it's just not as good as ApoC. Other classes my feel differently so weigh it accordingly. CDR can be amazing for some classes, but Wizard isn't one of them so the only source of it I plan to get outside of Paragon is my Helm Socket and only in certain gear setups.

All of these stats spawn natively on Shoulders to a maximum of 7% or 8%. You can also find them on things like Rings, but you cannot really afford to use those unless your build is tied to maxing out one of the above stats as Ring affixes are precious.


Best way to inflate your sheet toughness. Worst way to actually survive on higher difficulty. While your potion scales to whatever HP you end up at almost all other forms of healing scale way better at low HP. I tend to hover around 250k-300k HP myself which you can easily get with a few vita pieces. Beyond that I think it's a waste. More helps you stand in fire longer or eat multiple moltens, but you have no way to heal it back up. On a shitter difficulty it doesn't matter since globes rain down from the heavens, but on T5-T6 you get far fewer globes and mistakes like that will just 1 shot you. Rather than encouraging that kind of playstyle you should be getting enough HP combined with your defenses to avoid getting 1 shot by UNAVOIDABLE damage rather than getting so much raw toughness that you just become another "stands in fire".

Before any asshat tries to flaunt their e-peen I'm aware that even moves like the first tick of Thunderstorm and Jailer are avoidable if you time abilities correctly or simply outrange them and let other things eat them. This isn't always possible and kiting away constantly is also inefficient. If you think you can do it better than I can though I commend you. Odds are you are probably wrong though.

Summary List

*some items natively spawn with higher LPS than other items for example you can see Bracers with 2400 LPS while Shoulders only hit around the 900 mark.


I recommend building as offensively as you can on the items listed above. For things like MH/Shoulders I have left them blank because each player needs to decide on the appropriate amount of vita that they want on their character. Generally you want to build pretty defensively on Chest/Pants since they can spawn 5 sockets together which you can use to socket either AR/Vita or Prime as needed depending on desired offense vs defense. Hint AR is better.

Mitigation increases your sheet toughness by a lot less than HP. It's also better when combined with most sources of healing which you absolutely need for higher difficulty play. Get a lot of it and cut down your HP as needed.

Disclaimer #500. I say this as Ranged. I play with quite a few Melee and they definitely rock a bit more raw toughness than I do, but all of us adhere to the same basic principle of more mitigation/healing and less e-peening over 25m toughness. Unless you want to spend 3 hours fighting T6 Malthael I suggest you gear the way we do.

Affix shit that I have to fix later. Here's a copy/paste from my old post. TLDR the best you can get is 4/6 on rares and 5/6 on some legendaries. Aiming for good secondaries is ideal, but only if you don't need to forge any primaries off.

Diablo 3 Affix Planner

Let's explain affixes. Generally speaking Rares/Sets/Legendaries can spawn upwards of 6 affixes. 4 of those 6 affixes can be primary affixes (useful stats), but only on non-Rares and only in specific cases. Magefist is a good example of this and I think a Stone of Jordan was also linked in guild chat illustrating the same point when asked.

Riful - Community - Diablo III

Legacy items could roll up to 6 affixes as well and all of them could be primary. You will notice in the example above that it seems like my Magefists have rolled 5 primary and 1 secondary. This is because Magefists guaranteed primary affix of X% Fire Damage does not count towards a primary affix. Other items are like this as well, although not most. I suspect it's a bug/oversight on their part. In most cases the "best" you can hope for on a rare or random legendary is to get 4 "good" primary affixes and hopefully some useful secondary affixes.

Single resistance and life after kill are pretty decent secondary affixes if you can get them. LAK pales in comparison to LoH or old school LS, but it doesn't take up a valuable primary affix like LoH or HP Regen do.

Also note that my Haunt of Vaxo counts it's special affix (the shadow clone affix) as a secondary affix instead of a primary. Again pretty inconsistent, but at least if you find one you get a very good secondary affix in the form of shadow clones.

Also something I noticed during RoS beta and seems to have held true for me thus far in 2.0. You can no longer roll stacked resists ala OWE. Even though AR is a primary affix and single resist is a secondary affix you will not see them together on the same item (I am curious if some legendary out there could break this rule, but I doubt it). In fact even if I tried to use the Mystic to reforge a primary into AR or a secondary into single resist it would not let me if the item already had resistance on it. Small thing ultimately, but something to keep in mind as I suggest everyone hoard their diamonds.


I'll fix this later. TLDR Movement speed in Core is good. If you find X% movement speed on an item try to forge it off, even boots. Each point is only worth 10 prime/vita which means your boots are really 400/400/100-120/fourth stat. You are way better off turning that 100-120 into AR/Armor/LPS.

Otherwise you can take either max resource or your prime stat in most cases. I would not recommend vita at all unless you are missing it on every slot.

CHD/CC in offense. CHD gets you the most value for almost all levels of gearing. High end gearing can take CC. Get over 400 Paragon and just take both though. Problem solved.

I took AR in defense because I felt it was the best value at the time. Now I encourage everyone I play with to take LPS first and AR second. Armor is really bad, but you still want to take it third because it's mitigation, but for practical purposes I am only assuming Paragon 200-400 players.

AoE damage in Utility is fucking bonkers. Most of the paragon stats give you 1-2 items at most worth of value. AoE gives you about 3-4 items worth of value. I take CR as my secondary, but if you need the LoH I think that's also acceptable.


There are specific cache only items. They are listed here.

D3: RoS - Adventure Mode - Bounty Reward Legendary Items per Act List & Tips! : Diablo

Share caches.

Reset until you get not the final act boss because of HP. I don't care that you can still kill the boss on T1. Good for you. It's still not efficient.

Fuck anything in the A1 Spider Cavern.

I also recommend avoiding too many "clear floor 2" bounties as they are the most time consuming.

If you are doing split bounties (4 players in a single game all doing a different bounty, then converging for the boss) I suggest you send your most mobile players (Monk/Wiz/DH) to do the Floor 2 bounties and let Barbs/WD/Sader do the kill/event bounties.

Beyond that it's mostly about memorizing which bounties are awful and which ones are good. I am currently not trying to min/max the xp/gold gain from bounties since my main concern is to get the cache only gear. Later when I can farm T6 I will add values to this section per bounty along with a difficulty/efficiency scale.

More basic section. Bounties reward you with blood shards and xp/gold. Once you complete all five bounties in a single act you are given a cache containing a few items/mats/gems. There are cache only legendaries tied to specific acts.

I highly recommend that everyone farm the Grandeur ring from A1 and if you so desire the Glory gloves and Boots from A2. Other players may have suggestions for other classes, but from a Wizard/DH perspective those are the main three I would be interested in. I consider the Grandeur ring BiS for a variety of reasons.


This was already mentioned in the thread, but caches smartloot to the character opening them rather than the character who acquired them. I have personally tested that opening the caches in a specific act is irrelevant. The caches remember which act the cache was spawned in so any bounty specific legendaries from a certain act can only be acquired from a cache from that act (or A4 if you REALLY love gambling).


Oh yeah almost forgot. Promise of Glory from the A2 cache is bugged right now. If you have a pair put them on and get an Empowered Shrine and do rifts for 1 hour. Results = hilarious. TMYK.

When doing lower difficulty rifts I recommend splitting into pairs or three and one if you have someone overgeared carrying you. It makes clearing faster and in general losing a few DB's and rares is worth the faster clear speed. Saving Conduit and Power pylons for the boss is pretty obvious, but I thought I would mention it for the more casual gamers. Even if the Conduit is on another floor you can have one person run back to get it and teleport to that player and back to kill the boss. This gives the pylon to at least 3/4 of you and odds are you will be able to kill the boss in under 10 seconds if you utilize this properly.

It's also worth noting that Nemesis Bracers work on pylons as well as shrines so I recommend having a designated clicker or pausing briefly to do a quick swap. My groups all have bracers to swap in, and some of us use them at a small loss when rifting just to keep the momentum going.

Rift or Bounty?

On Alc's suggestion. You should do bounties if you need rift fragments or if you want to farm a specific cache item. Ideally if you can line this up with the bounty daily you will net a few extra blood shards by doing the daily double.

As of this posting the daily resets at around 4:30pm PST everyday. So today after 4:30pm-5:00pm PST A1-A2 will have the bonus. Tomorrow the bonus will move to A2-A3.

Ultimately though I suggest just farming whatever act you need cache gear from. Missing out on a few blood shards per clear is really not the end of the world. If you can line up daily bonuses that's awesome, but not mandatory by any means. It's far better to have good bounty clear time and get in on cache sharing to maximize your chances of getting the cheater ring (Ring of Grandeur) or the cheater gloves (Gloves of Worship).

P.S. I legit wrote Promise of Glory instead of Gloves of Worship the first time. I miss those.

Any other time you are not interested in doing bounties I would suggest getting three friends and doing rifts. They are the most dense farming locations and you have a good chance of getting a soul at the end of each one. Depending on how good your group is that's a soul every 10-15 minutes on average. If I run lower difficulty rifts I can cut the run time down to 6-7 minutes per run.


Drop rates have been updated. It is now very easy to farm any of the crafting materials.

Normal Hard Expert Master Torment I Torment II Torment III Torment IV Torment V Torment VI
15% 18% 21% 25% 31% 37% 44% 53% 64% 77%

[Guide] Legendary Crafting Materials - Drop locations & uses - Diablo III General Discussion - Diablo III General Forums - Forums - Diablo Fans

I advise anyone who cares about CR/CDR to craft the Captain's set once they get it and for everyone to craft Aughild's regardless of class.

Aughild's gives you 15% damage and reduction vs elites as the 3P. I strongly advise you to get 2P and use the Ring of Grandeur to get the 3P bonus.

A sure fire way to farm any mat is just to reset a game until you get the bounty associated with that mob so you can be certain it is in the game. Having multiple people doing this and inviting each other once you've found the correct game is ideal.


Haven't done it at 70 yet. If the pairs are the same kill SK/Ghom/ZK first in each of the pairs. Don't stand in fire. Kite away to rez your teammates and don't ever release unless it's a full wipe.

Severus Snape's Corner

This is for Wizards who can't solo T4+ yet. Hint we're the most OP class right now so abuse it so you can farm for your other characters. Tailored towards players who already know what they are doing because I'm not listing acronyms right now. Going to just rant for now and fix it later.


My typical build runs FO as a spender right now and whatever sig I feel like at the time. Lately I have been using MM - GS which works well as a timed stun and also does respectable damage because it's also Cold.

I only run two of the three "passives". I run Force Weapon and Prismatic because they give the best value for their respective runes. You should not be running Pinpoint.

My last two slots are Absolute Zero and Wormhole. I will test out trying a more EE focused build later, especially when I can get more Tal's set. At that point I could probably use a Lightning Sig and possibly swap to Spellsteal and Ignite if needed.


I prefer to run two defensive and two offensive for harder content. I normally run Blur/Illusionist, but I have been testing UA as a possibility to replace Blur in certain settings. I do not think highly of either of the two shield passives since they only work when you are doing well and generally you need defensive cooldowns for when things are going poorly.

For offensive passives I tend to run Audacity for lower content and EE for groups/harder content. I would suggest running your elemental passive as the other so in my case I run CB. It's important to note that CB applies even on your first spell so it is effectively a 10% damage increase for you and your party whereas something like GC is only a 15% damage increase for you and it comes at a heavy price. Once you get better gear and can afford to splash elements to proc EE it becomes an even bigger beast than CB. If I really wanted to take three damage passives for some reason I would just take all three since taking Audacity usually means I don't mind being close (and orb is really a mid-range attack anyway) because the content isn't that dangerous to me.


Standard build

Blur or Unstable Anomaly or Prodigy (I don't actually slot in Prodigy because of my gear, but if I did not have legacy APOC gear I absolutely would)

I personally do not use Unwavering Will often. I tend to stutterstep a lot during combat and in situations where I can just pure orb spam I am usually doing trivial content. If you feel it works for you feel free to take it over UA/Blur. I'm rarely ever a fan of standing still. I also tend to spam my Teleport on cooldown for faster clears.

EE Build

I'm also trying a solo variant where I keep Force Weapon and use another defensive passive in the fourth slot. I think it's better for personal damage/survivability since I still lack 4P Tal's. I think in groups and when I get 4P Tal's it will be far better for DPS and I will just have to live without the second defensive passive.


My gear focuses on getting max ApoC (8 unless you have legacy gear) as well as just the general good stats of CC/CHD and ES/spender. I'm fortunate enough to have legacy gear, but I have also tested using Chantodo/Winter's Flurry OH and various rare/leg Hats.

Helm is probably our roughest spot. You want Int/CC/ApoC/Orb/Socket. Unfortunately, I just listed 5 affixes and we only get to pick 4 of those. I think in the long run I am probably going to drop the socket and just deal without the CDR or huge Life% from it. The other stats are just way too huge to miss out on.

OH's follow the same type of gearing priority except that you don't need to get a socket. You're still hunting for 4/4 affixes or a good 3/4 that you can forge though which is a huge pain. If you can luck into a good legendary like Winter's Flurry you're set for life. Good luck finding/gambling one.

I dropped my HP to as low as 160k and as high as 300k lately. I have a bunch of LPS (13k) and run Bromac solo. When I am grouping I usually have a Barb for Invigorating or a Monk for whatever that shielding MoH rune is so I can stay up/heal up pretty well. My defenses are around 7k Armor and 1700 AR, but I have stacked Cold/Physical on a few items because Frozen/Mortar are dangerous.

My sheet DPS is fairly low for my gear level. I have around 830k with FW up. I am also sadly missing ES on my Ammy right now because I haven't found anything other than that stupid Leoric's Ammy from the A1 cache. Otherwise I have the typical Bracer/Azure/SoJ setup. None of them are spectacular rolls.

I recommend getting CC to at least 50%-60% if you can and focusing on getting 8 ApoC. It makes a huge difference in your ability to spam and every MM/sig you toss out instead of an orb is costing you a lot of DPS. Even with Surge/Prodigy you are trading out a passive/low damage just to have more sheet DPS if you pick something other than CC/ApoC on gear. It's not worth it for anything beyond e-peen.

I use Legs/Chest/Shoulders/Belt as my defensive items. I have a legacy TWH and I know some of you have 70 TWH's that I could use in my Belt slot. I tend to swap it in when I am doing lower difficulty farming, but on higher difficulty I need the EHP and LPS to survive more than I need the 11% DPS. The rest of the slots are massively offensive except when I need to take things like LPS on Bracers for efficiency reasons. Even then it's the first thing I cut if I have to for more DPS.

I have some bleh Magefists, but I'm not Fire and I am still hunting for a Frosties. Since Promise is bugged right now you'll want those until they get fixed as they are BiS by a mile for running rifts or anything really.

For rings you want SoJ and Grandeur from the A1 cache. You can combine them with certain 2/3 piece sets to net extra bonuses. If you armory me (Spectear#1220) you can see that I am using two pieces of Aughild's and Captain's. I net a total of 15% damage to elites/15% elite reduction as well as 10% CDR/CR/2k LPS for the other set. It's an amazing value for just a single ring no matter what the stats are on it and I would be hard pressed to find another. I suggest you all farm one until you get one or continue farming it for a really good one. If you don't have the plans yet you will get them eventually. I still need the ring myself so I'm holding off on swapping in my bracers since Strongarm are better than the 15 Aughild's I've crafted.

Sample Gear

Try to acquire rares with stats as close to these as possible. You should be able to do this within a few hours. Feel free to ask me for spares. I always keep potentially BiS rares for guildmates.

Ideal gear


I'm going to briefly go over my playstyle. At some point I might get OBS up and running and stream/record a few runs just to showcase it, but for now I will just briefly describe it in the hopes that it helps some of you who are not as familiar with the class.

I'm currently playing softcore and as such my playstyle is very aggressive.

I use Teleport/Illusionist on cooldown in order to move. If I am engaged in an elite pack or boss fight and I have to dodge I use Teleport to dodge out of the way rather than moving when at all possible. If I feel threatened due to the gear/difficulty level I am playing on I will stutterstep and save Teleport, but generally I just burn it to move through the area faster, especially in rifts. Against Jailer/Thunderstorm/Frozen Pulse I spam Teleport on cooldown as needed because I know I can get it back up when I need it simply by taking a tick from any of those abilities. I also run into ground effects early if needed in order to reset Teleport to get away before I get walled in as the damage I take from the effects is controlled whereas getting surrounded is usually when I die.

I have excellent AP regen, but for those who don't I recommend weaving your sig spell in between shots to maintain around 50% AP at all times. You don't want to spike up above 100%, but you also don't want to be dry and having to go long periods alternating sig/orb. There are a few reasons for this. First if you are using a GS build the stun is on it's on DR timer so you want to maximize the CC you are putting out by using it once every few seconds. Second you don't want to accidentally wand/normal attack because you've run out of AP and tried to spam one too many orbs. Third if you are using EE you will want to weave in your sig and BH on cooldown to keep the debuff up. Finally you always want to have AP for BH when it comes back up since you should be using it on cooldown unless the screen is empty. That being said ideally you do want to be at or near 0 AP by the time the pack is mostly dead and you can finish the last guy off with sig or let a teammate with better single target do it while you Teleport to the next pack.

I tend to run ahead of my team and group mobs together especially when we lack a Monk. I generally let the whites aggro me other than Terror Demons and Enraged Phantoms because they hit like trains. I do my best to group Elites and Champions together so I can land a solid BH in order to maximize AoE. I do almost three times the damage to a group of targets compared to a single target because of the increased AP regen and the splash damage neither of which you can get on a single target. I regularly ask my teammates to leave mobs alive so I have splash targets for the Rift Guardian otherwise it takes much longer. If we ran with a DH this would probably be easier/not as big of a deal.

Beyond that just get really good about using your Teleport to move and evade attacks. It's an incredibly high skill cap spell and I still flub it all of the time when I have to take tight corners or move through Waller since so many of the corners are buggy. Learning terrain and other Teleport bugs is basically akin to WoW Mage's knowing where to and where not to Blink. Also it's worth noting that each Teleport cast has an immunity frame so if you're ever trapped in by Waller/Frozen/Arcane with no way out because of Waller bug you can Teleport in place and with good or lucky timing you can avoid all of the damage.

Useful Shit

Mechanics And Game Information Compendium - Forums - Diablo III



Something something Bul'kathos

Final note, if you have any questions for me about anything I have posted here please ask in the thread. If you ask me in-game other players who have the same question will not be given an answer. In addition to that if you ask me a question in-game I am almost certainly going to ignore you because I try to maximize my playtime and I don't like treating D3 as an IM client.